FOR 2019
Friday, January 18, 2019 -
8:00 am to 11:30
Citrus Club
255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1800
Orlando, FL 32801

How the power of balance impacts a growing business
a. The growth barrier (the problem)
b. Similarities between growing business and 3 legged stool
c. How Key functions change for the founder/owner as the business grows
d. Finding the right people for each seat on your bus
How to ignite your sales and marketing
a. Know Your Market
i. Who is your ideal customer
ii. Target market defined
iii. What is your Unique Selling Proposition
b. Know Your Message
i. What do your offer?
ii. How does it make your client’s life better?
iii. What do they need to do to buy?
c. Building your sales revenue engine
d. 5 Critical Elements for Your Sales Strategy Plan
e. Inspect what you expect
How to manage & consistently strengthen cash flow
a. What are the major causes of cash flow problems
i. Dramatic growth
ii. Seasonality/irregular revenue
iii. No or erratic profits
iv. Inadequate or improper financing
v. High leverage
vi. Debt free goals
vii. Highlife style
b. How to strengthen cash flow
i. Profit goal by month
ii. Manage balance sheet
iii. Cash flow planning/ forecast
c. How to track cash flow performance
i. Working capital ratio
ii. Current ratio
How finance powers growth
a.Watch the balance sheet
b.Importance of profitability
c.Understand how a lender looks at a borrower
d.Utilizing current ratio, quick ratio and debt to worth
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All Attendees Will Receive:
25 questions you have to ask yourself to create a powerful 2019
Sales Assessment
A copy of one of Dan’s latest books on business and growth
(see the list here)
Business Self Assessment on: management, sales, marketing, finance and operational self business assessment
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