“We have been working with Dan for over 2 years now and it has completely transformed our business.”

~Cori Brown | CEO

We have been working with Dan for over 2 years now and it has completely transformed our business. It is like we have a CFO on board with the company. We meet monthly but we have access to Dan at anytime throughout the month.


When we first started working with Dan, we really had no understanding of financial statements such as cash flow predictions, profit margins,  balance sheets, etc. He has taught us so much. He challenges us, provides focus and helps us strategize on all issues of the business beyond financials. He provides a level of accountability, stability and an outside point of view.


He is helping us plan for the future of the business both financially as well as holistically. He has been a God send to us personally as well as for our company.


Business Established 2012 – Working with Dynasty Business Consulting since 2015

Franklin Window and Door