Jake Stamper
One of my daily prayers is “Lord, show me what I cannot see and give me the wisdom to deal with it”. During a time of extreme fluctuations in the company, this prayer became and more important to me. As I was learning to address a multitude of issues and ensure success within the company and the culture my prayer was answered. I began to “see what I could not see” and realized I was unfit to answer some of the questions however, Dan Lacy was fit to answer the questions. I had known Dan for several years and KNEW he was the perfect solution and partner to me; helping me see what I cannot and providing the wisdom to create a much greater success for the company. After engaging Dan, I further came to understand that not only could he help me through a fluctuating time of difficulty but he is essential to helping me in the good times too. Dan has been extremely helpful and a guiding light for me in many ways and I strong endorse Dan to anyone who might be praying a similar prayer or having a similar need.